In late 2009, the Saskatchewan (Canada) Government allowed bounty killing of thousands of coyotes - recently announcing that well over 7,000 have already been killed. The Sask. government fails to recognize that coyotes naturally control populations of other wildlife that farmers call pests ( deer, gophers, mice, voles, grasshoppers, wild rabbits, birds etc. ).
Sask. Govt wholesale slaughter of coyotes is a horrible method to increase sales of toxic chemical poisons that will harm other wildlife (wild predatory birds ) that feed on poisoning victims - creating a huge spectrum of natural predator victims ( and poison-carrying carrion feeders - animals, insects, birds ) and increased toxic chemicals in our environment (plants, soil and our shared water).
Maybe farmers should consider natural predators as friends. Cattle farmers could spend more time properly patrolling their herds, keeping them together and bringing them in more often. Governments could instead help to create jobs for today's new-age cowboys. Let coyotes and wolves survive for natural predator-prey relations control wildlife populations - without uncontrollable harmful side-effects of poisonings.